These are Will You Go Lassie Go chords by Celtic Thunder on Piano, Ukulele, Guitar, and Keyboard.
[Intro] F Dm Bb Csus4 C [Verse 1] F Oh the summer time is comin\' Bb And the trees are C/Bb F sweetly bloomin\' Bb C And the wild mountain Dm thyme Gm Grows around the F/A Bb C bloomin\' heather [Chorus] F Bb F Will ye go, lassie, go? Bb C/Bb F/A And we\'ll all go together Bb C Dm To pull wild mountain thyme Gm F/A All around the bloomin\' Bb Gm heather F Bb F Will ye go, lassie, go?
[Interlude] Dm Bb Csus4 C [Verse 2] F I will build my love a bower Bb C/Bb Near yon cool crystal F/A fountain Bb C Dm And on it I will pile Gm F/A All the flowers of Bb C the mountain [Chorus] F Bb F Will ye go, lassie, go? Bb F/A And we\'ll all go together Bb C Dm To pull wild mountain thyme Gm F/A All around the bloomin\' Bb Gm heather F Bb F Will ye go, lassie, go? [Instrument] Am7 Am Dm D G C G C D G C D Em Am G C G C G Eb [Verse 3] Ab If my true love, Db Ab she were gone Db I would surely Eb/Db Ab/C find another Db Eb Fm Where wild mountain thyme Bbm Ab/C Grows around the bloomin Db Bbm7 \' heather
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[Chorus] Ab Db Ab Will ye go, lassie, go? Db Ab/C And we\'ll all go together Db Eb Fm To pull wild mountain thyme Bbm Ab/C All around the bloomin\' Db heather Ab Db Will ye go, lassie, Ab Cdim go? [Chorus] Db Ab/C And we\'ll all go together Db Eb To pull wild mountain Fm thyme Bbm Ab/C All around the bloomin\' Db heather Ab Db Ab Will ye go, lassie, go? Ab Will ye go, Db Ab Fm lassie, go? Ab Db Ab Will ye go, Lassie, go?